
Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Motherhood Hiatus

Hi friends and followers of Mrs Ludwig's Speech and Language Room! This post is long overdue and I am finally feeling moved to put up a new post to explain the radio silence over here on the blog.

Rewind a little over 2 years (my time has flown!): My husband finished a program and took a job in a new city, which for me, meant a bittersweet goodbye to the school and all the speech-language kiddos I had worked with for the past 4 years. We loaded up a U-haul and started a new adventure in a new locale. A few months later, our family was blessed was the addition of a beautiful baby girl...and life has never been the same!

New job. New city. New blogging. I've been a stay-at-home mama with an SLP license for the last 20-or-so months. It was a happy adjustment but definitely one that required me to take a step back and realize that being an SLP is not a defining characteristic of what makes I still get inspired to create and write but most of my time has been dedicated to figuring out life with a little one.

Yes, that sometimes involves auditory bombardment with the place-voice-manner chart.  

Yes, that means we spend lots and lots of times reading, talking about the pictures in our books, and pointing out rhyming words (current reads: Fancy Nancy and If You Give a Mouse a Cookie).

And yes, that means that our recent discovery of kinetic sand made me think of all the ways it could be incorporated into a therapy session.

So yes, life is good. And yes, I'm still active in the SLP world. I've completed some pretty awesome online conferences through ASHA. The Social Communication Conference last fall and the Speech Sound Disorder Conference, which I just wrapped up two weeks ago, were both amazing. With a little one at home, it's been a great way to clock CEUs while learning from the leading experts in the field. I highly recommend!

Now that we're all caught up, I'll share our newest news. We are so blessed to be expecting a new little one in a short 3 weeks, so life is not about to slow down. It just keeps getting better and better!

So stay tuned because I'll be back some point! In the meantime, my TpT store is still actively managed so you can find me there.

Thanks for reading and best wishes to all of your own speech-language-literacy rooms!

Officially signing off for a bit,
Mrs. Ludwig

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